The End Of Human WisdomHave you renounced all human wisdom?Pastor RayAugust 31, 2021LiesRead MoreThe End Of Human Wisdom
The Rejected Gospel Of JesusHave you rejected the gospel of Jesus and are you willing to repent of this love of the world?Pastor RayAugust 30, 2021LiesRead MoreThe Rejected Gospel Of Jesus
We Call On Your Name JesusDo you see the great need for prayer in America or are you simply a deist or an atheist at heart?Pastor RayAugust 27, 2021PrayerRead MoreWe Call On Your Name Jesus
Do You Believe In The Existence Of God?Are you a deist at heart or do you truly believe in Jesus?Pastor RayAugust 26, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreDo You Believe In The Existence Of God?
Remarkable MiraclesAre you willing to meet the conditions for remarkable miracles in your life?Pastor RayAugust 25, 2021PrayerRead MoreRemarkable Miracles
You Shall Cross The Barren DesertListen today to learn how to walk through the burning desert with Jesus!Pastor RayAugust 24, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreYou Shall Cross The Barren Desert
Step Out Of God’s Way!Can you trust Jesus as your provision? We must step out of God's way for Him to provide!Pastor RayAugust 23, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreStep Out Of God’s Way!
Be Not Afraid – Friday Prayer MeetingGod hasn't given you a spirit of fear. Cast off the devil's hand and cry out to the Lord.Pastor RayAugust 20, 2021PrayerRead MoreBe Not Afraid – Friday Prayer Meeting
The Joy Of ScriptureDo you have the joy of scripture in your heart today? Pastor RayAugust 19, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Joy Of Scripture
From Bitter To SweetAnother critical massage from the study of Moses and the Israelities, where are you abiding???Pastor RayAugust 18, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreFrom Bitter To Sweet
The Wilderness JourneyHave you been brought into the desert with Jesus? If not, it's time to heed the call of the Holy Spirit.Pastor RayAugust 17, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreThe Wilderness Journey
The Devil Before and, The Devil Behind But God Is In The MidstIt's time to boldly walk without fear and trust Jesus for deliverance!Pastor RayAugust 16, 2021Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Devil Before and, The Devil Behind But God Is In The Midst