We Pray, Jesus AnswersBe blessed as you listen today!Pastor RayApril 30, 2021PrayerRead MoreWe Pray, Jesus Answers
The Root Of Self Must Be SeveredHas the root of self been severed in your life? If not now, when?Pastor RayApril 29, 2021TeachingRead MoreThe Root Of Self Must Be Severed
The Road To “BE HAPPY”Are you on the road to "be happy"? This powerful series continues today.Pastor RayApril 28, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreThe Road To “BE HAPPY”
Slow Down, Take Your TimeWhy do I have to slow down with God?? Listen to today's broadcast and found out why.Pastor RayApril 27, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreSlow Down, Take Your Time
The Journey From This WorldWe must decide to make this journey of a pilgrim.Pastor RayApril 26, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Journey From This World
Prayer Meeting And Rest In JesusAre you resting in Jesus today?Pastor RayApril 23, 2021PrayerRead MorePrayer Meeting And Rest In Jesus
Over Coming The DarknessHave you been overcome by the darkness???Pastor RayApril 22, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreOver Coming The Darkness
Let God Search Your HeartIs there yet a purging to be done in your soul? If yes, then it's time to honestly admit that.Pastor RayApril 21, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreLet God Search Your Heart
Break Your Covenant With Death!We must align our will with Jesus in order for Him to break this death covenant.Pastor RayApril 20, 2021Spiritual BattleRead MoreBreak Your Covenant With Death!
A Refuge of LiesHave you identified the refuge of lies, perhaps even your own opinions you value over scripture?Pastor RayApril 19, 2021LiesRead MoreA Refuge of Lies
Friday Prayer MeetingMay your heart be awakened as you listen to the prayers today.Pastor RayApril 16, 2021PrayerRead MoreFriday Prayer Meeting
Top 10 Excuses For Why We Don’t RepentDon't hide behind excuses because Jesus loves you and wants to set you free!Pastor RayApril 15, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreTop 10 Excuses For Why We Don’t Repent