Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Is there fallow ground remaining to be plowed?
What's the Biblical basis for the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
A reminder on the baptism of the Holy Spirit...
Do you see the mighty storm descending upon us?
May the sentimental Christmas be purged in our hearts.
Would God send a delusion upon those who call themselves Christians? Found out in this message.
Are you willing to open your treasures, not just your possessions but literally everything for the work of the Gospel.
Will you allow Jesus to bridge the gap between our hope and dreams and the pain of separation from Him?
Willing to ask, seek and knock for Jesus to answer your cry??
Ready for the massive clean-up job in the apostate church?
Willing to reconciled to God, regardless of the price???