Stand At The Crossroad, PRAY!What will you do at the crossroad?Pastor RayNovember 12, 2020PrayerRead MoreStand At The Crossroad, PRAY!
A Boiling Pot of DestructionDo you see the pot of destruction we face?Pastor RayNovember 11, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreA Boiling Pot of Destruction
The Staff of Jesus is Dry in AmericaHave you received the gift of imparted righteousness?Pastor RayNovember 10, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Staff of Jesus is Dry in America
What Is The Spirit Saying To The ChurchHear Jesus messages to the churches.Pastor RayNovember 9, 2020ProphecyRead MoreWhat Is The Spirit Saying To The Church
We Pray! Father Remove This MountainDon't forget the condition of Mark 11...Pastor RayNovember 6, 2020PrayerRead MoreWe Pray! Father Remove This Mountain
The Storm Rages, We Pray!Are you standing with us against the dark forces that wish to sweep us away?Pastor RayNovember 5, 2020PrayerRead MoreThe Storm Rages, We Pray!
Sodom and GomorrahStand against the darkness in love and mercy...Pastor RayNovember 4, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreSodom and Gomorrah
We Humble Our HeartsHumility is a great flower of the Christian life...Pastor RayNovember 3, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreWe Humble Our Hearts
The Kingdom Of God Vs. The Kingdom Of DarknessWhich kingdom do you serve?Pastor RayNovember 2, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Kingdom Of God Vs. The Kingdom Of Darkness