A Heart Set on Fire!Do you have the same fire that King Josiah had?Pastor RayNovember 30, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreA Heart Set on Fire!
Wait Upon the Lord – 2019Willing to wait upon the Lord??Pastor RayNovember 27, 2020TeachingRead MoreWait Upon the Lord – 2019
A Covenant of Deliverance – 2005Have you entered into the new covenant?Pastor RayNovember 26, 2020Spiritual BattleRead MoreA Covenant of Deliverance – 2005
Shout For Joy to the LordThanksgiving prayer meetingPastor RayNovember 25, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreShout For Joy to the Lord
Heal Our LandAre you willing to pay (by sacrifice of your life) your share of the cost to heal our land?Pastor RayNovember 24, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreHeal Our Land
The Coming DARK WINTERWe thank Jesus for the dark winters that draw our hearts closer to Him.Pastor RayNovember 23, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Coming DARK WINTER
Take Authority In The Spirit – PRAYWe must take authority in the Spirit for our prayers to be effective.Pastor RayNovember 20, 2020PrayerRead MoreTake Authority In The Spirit – PRAY
The Great LeavingWithout a great leaving, you cannot be a disciple of Jesus.Pastor RayNovember 19, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Great Leaving
The Lincoln Dream, Dana CoverstoneAnother dream from Pastor Coverstone...Pastor RayNovember 18, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Lincoln Dream, Dana Coverstone
Confronting Worldly AttachmentsHave you been crucified and resurrected in Jesus?Pastor RayNovember 17, 2020LiesRead MoreConfronting Worldly Attachments
Shaped By The Cross, Arthur BlessittHow have you been shaped by the cross?Pastor RayNovember 16, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreShaped By The Cross, Arthur Blessitt
Save Us O Lord, We PrayIs the cry of your Lord, LORD save us...Pastor RayNovember 13, 2020PrayerRead MoreSave Us O Lord, We Pray