Wait For The Lord!Are you willing to wait upon the Lord?Pastor RaySeptember 30, 2020TeachingRead MoreWait For The Lord!
I Am Sick Of Humanism In The ChurchWhat is humanism in the church?Pastor RaySeptember 29, 2020LiesRead MoreI Am Sick Of Humanism In The Church
The Bride Of Jesus RevivedWill you be revived or swept away?Pastor RaySeptember 28, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Bride Of Jesus Revived
Pray In The SpiritThere's only one way to pray and that it is to pray in spirit. Will you join us in crying out for revival?Pastor RaySeptember 25, 2020PrayerRead MorePray In The Spirit
Seek Jesus With All Of Your Heart!This is life changing decision either way you go but you must choose.Pastor RaySeptember 24, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreSeek Jesus With All Of Your Heart!
So You Want A Meeting With God?Pastor Ray poses this very serious question and then uses the story of a famous king to answer the question.Pastor RaySeptember 23, 2020PrayerRead MoreSo You Want A Meeting With God?
The Great And Terrible Day Of The LordThat great and terrible day of the Lord is upon us.Pastor RaySeptember 22, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord
are you ready? Are You Ready? ARE YOU READY???Are you ready dear one for coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!Pastor RaySeptember 21, 2020ProphecyRead Moreare you ready? Are You Ready? ARE YOU READY???
Nothing to Prove, Prayer TimeWe must come to a place where we have nothing to prove but the desire of our hearts is to lift up the name of Jesus.Pastor RaySeptember 18, 2020PrayerRead MoreNothing to Prove, Prayer Time
Sitting In The Ashes of My LifeAre you sitting in the ashes of your life?Pastor RaySeptember 17, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreSitting In The Ashes of My Life
Sudden DestructionThe primary focus is whether you have been crucified with Christ?Pastor RaySeptember 16, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreSudden Destruction
No Culture of Sin Called GraceWhat does the word locative mean?Pastor RaySeptember 15, 2020LiesRead MoreNo Culture of Sin Called Grace