Violence in the CityDo not succumb to the violence and wickedness of our day, there is true victory in Jesus! Pastor RayJuly 9, 2020Spiritual BattleRead MoreViolence in the City
Avenge Me of My AdversaryAre you willing to humble yourself before Jesus and others?Pastor RayJuly 8, 2020Spiritual BattleRead MoreAvenge Me of My Adversary
Called to be FreeAre you a natural man or a spiritual man?Pastor RayJuly 7, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreCalled to be Free
WARNING, WARNING, WARNING, America Is Crashing!Do you hear the sirens in the spirit over America?Pastor RayJuly 6, 2020ProphecyRead MoreWARNING, WARNING, WARNING, America Is Crashing!
The Rejected BlessingWhat is entire sanctification?Pastor RayJuly 2, 2020LiesRead MoreThe Rejected Blessing
How Real Do You Want God To Be?Pastor Ray's powerful testimonyPastor RayJuly 1, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreHow Real Do You Want God To Be?
The Terrible Day of the Lord!Put on your crash helmets, it's going to be a wild ride.Pastor RayJuly 1, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Terrible Day of the Lord!