Come, Please Pray!The Holy Spirit is asking the church for 3 things...Pastor RayJuly 31, 2020PrayerRead MoreCome, Please Pray!
The Forces of Evil Are GatheringDo you see the battle we're in?Pastor RayJuly 30, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Forces of Evil Are Gathering
Are You Blocked Out of God’s Presence?Are you blocked out of the presence of God?Pastor RayJuly 29, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAre You Blocked Out of God’s Presence?
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength!How does the joy of the Lord become our strength?Pastor RayJuly 28, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreThe Joy of the Lord is Your Strength!
Has the Devil Deceived You?Have you been deceived by satan?Pastor RayJuly 27, 2020LiesRead MoreHas the Devil Deceived You?
The Fullness of the Beatitudes – 2017 RebroadcastA most encouraging message from G.D. Watson...Pastor RayJuly 24, 2020TeachingRead MoreThe Fullness of the Beatitudes – 2017 Rebroadcast
Absolute Surrender – 2017The title says it all... Pastor RayJuly 21, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreAbsolute Surrender – 2017
The Voice of God in the Storm!Is your life in Jesus hands or are you trying to make it on your own?Pastor RayJuly 20, 2020Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Voice of God in the Storm!
Jesus WiLL ANSWER Your Prayer!Powerful prayer meeting, Lord teach us to pray!Pastor RayJuly 17, 2020PrayerRead MoreJesus WiLL ANSWER Your Prayer!
The Midnight Hour (Prayer Meeting)The midnight hour is upon us...Pastor RayJuly 16, 2020PrayerRead MoreThe Midnight Hour (Prayer Meeting)
The Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018The story of revival in Argentina!Pastor RayJuly 15, 2020TestimoniesRead MoreThe Beginning of the Great Argentine Revival – 2018
Suffocating Indifference – 2014Are you slumbering in your indifference?Pastor RayJuly 13, 2020LiesRead MoreSuffocating Indifference – 2014