Humble PrayerHumble prayer is importunate prayer, where we lose our self-importance in the presence of the King.Pastor RayMay 29, 2020PrayerRead MoreHumble Prayer
Prayer: The Place of CrushingHave you experienced this place of crushing before Jesus>Pastor RayMay 28, 2020PrayerRead MorePrayer: The Place of Crushing
The Most Dangerous PrayerWhat is this the most dangerous prayer and what will ensue if we pray it.Pastor RayMay 27, 2020PrayerRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Prayer
Prayer for DummiesPrayer 101 - very beneficial!Pastor RayMay 26, 2020PrayerRead MorePrayer for Dummies
Redeem Us Oh Lord!A cry for redemption from this wicked age.Pastor RayMay 22, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreRedeem Us Oh Lord!
The Day of the Lord!Talk is cheap but our actions speak clearer and louder.Pastor RayMay 21, 2020ProphecyRead MoreThe Day of the Lord!
First Fruits: A Spiritual GatewayDo you give the first fruits of your life to God?Pastor RayMay 20, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreFirst Fruits: A Spiritual Gateway
What Is Your Life Purpose?What does God want from your life and are you willing to follow His plan?Pastor RayMay 19, 2020Christian LifeRead MoreWhat Is Your Life Purpose?
Visions Of Joe Brandt In 1937: California SinkingA warning about California and God's judgment upon it...Pastor RayMay 18, 2020ProphecyRead MoreVisions Of Joe Brandt In 1937: California Sinking
We Must Have Faith From God To PrayHave you been trying to gin up your own faith?Pastor RayMay 15, 2020PrayerRead MoreWe Must Have Faith From God To Pray
Are You Concerned About Your Salvation?Is there great concern in your about your salvation or are you satiated by your own piety?Pastor RayMay 14, 2020Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAre You Concerned About Your Salvation?
Shameless Prayer of VictoryAre you importunate or self-important?Pastor RayMay 13, 2020PrayerRead MoreShameless Prayer of Victory