The Gospel vs. Christian GnosticismDo you believe the gnostic teachings of the modern church?Pastor RayApril 27, 2018TeachingRead MoreThe Gospel vs. Christian Gnosticism
Divorce from ReligionHave you laid aside all religion and gone after Jesus?Pastor RayApril 25, 2018LiesRead MoreDivorce from Religion
Indwelt by JesusHave you been indwelt by Jesus resulting in power to win the lost to Jesus?Pastor RayApril 20, 2018TeachingRead MoreIndwelt by Jesus
Face to Face with GodToo busy to seek a face-to-face meeting with God?Pastor RayApril 13, 2018Christian LifeRead MoreFace to Face with God
Resurrection PowerIs Jesus' resurrection power working in your life?Pastor RayApril 6, 2018Spiritual BattleRead MoreResurrection Power