
The Perfect Work of Patience (September 4, 2016)

Are you willing to be patient? To be saved, we must be perfected; and to be perfected, we must be patient.

Are you willing to be patient? To be saved, we must be perfected; and to be perfected, we must be patient. This maturing process begins after Jesus delivers us from all known sin.

What do your relationships look like? Do you have a sincere, humble, interest in listening to others–an interest that views conflict as an opportunity to respond with love, kindness, and patience? Or do you resort to bitterness and backbiting in order to plow over people who get in your way? The heart attitude, so often glossed over in modern America, that is exposed in such tongue lashing is utterly unfit for heaven. Will you look honestly at how such behavior and feelings are totally unlike the heart of God? Will you weep, and mourn, and let Jesus heal you?

This is an encore sermon from Sunday, September 4, 2016.