Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through the Parable of the Sower. We get to decide which type of soil we are, which type of soil are you?
Pastor Ray tackles one of the most difficult problems of our day, which is the ugly practice of our day which blocks our way into the heart of Jesus. Are you willing to leave the ugly practice of religion behind and go for Jesus?
The lie of eternal security is stripped bare through a simple exegis of the scriptures today on Pilgrim's Progress.
Hear the call of the Holy Spirit to close the door of wickedness and into the heart of Jesus. It's time to awake from slumber and come into the light of Jesus.
Where are you at in this journey to intimacy with Jesus? Listen to this message about Elisha and discover what Jesus wants from us.
Is your life marked by the love of God, as you give yourself to do what He has called you to do? Note, it's not easy because it's very costly and many will simply not pay the price to follow Jesus.
Pastor Ray continues preaching from the book of Romans, focusing primarily on Romans 12. Are you aware that the day of the Lord is near?
What are the keys to this walk with Jesus? Pastor Ray lays it out for us from Romans 12 today on Pilgrim's Progress.
It's time to get real with God about who we really are and to allow Him to change us totally and completely. This is the first message this week from Romans 12.
Are you available to the Lord at all times or are you available to the Lord only when you're free? Find out what it means to be available to the Lord on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Do you see both the kindness and severity of Jesus? When sin creeps back into the life of the believer, this will invoke God's sternness.
Find out what it may take for you to get to God. It's not a easy road, it's a narrow road. Listen as Brother Bevington prays through to victory!