Oldest to Newest Messages

Let Jesus Speak For Himself

Jesus spoke very clearly in his first sermon, will you listen closely today?

National Day Of Mourning

Will you join us in mourning over America?

The Day Of The Lord

Are you ready for the day of the Lord?

The Coming Of WORMWOOD

It’s time to get ready for Jesus return now!

Do You See Your Danger??

Do you not know that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble?

Are You Entitled?

We must have a single-minded loyalty and determination to go all the way through with Jesus.

It Is Time To Pray

Pray dear brother, dear sister, we need Jesus to intervene on our behalf.

Healing of Our Hearts

Bitter or better???

A Pentecost Love Story

Are you a Ruth or a Naomi? There is redemption for both, if we meet the conditions.

A Pentecost Kinsman Redeemer

Find out today why Ruth was not bitter…

The Wedding Of The Lamb

Are you passionately awaiting the return of Jesus?

A Spirit Of Prayer

Do you have the Spirit of prayer for this nation and for the church??

Soul Loss

Do you know what “soul loss” is and its remedy?

Have You Lost A Part Of Your Soul?

What’s the Biblical basis for this “soul loss”? Find out today!

How To Save Your Soul

Where is the focus of your life (that’s where your kingdom is)…

I Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger

Are you a poor wayfaring stranger or is this world your home?

Don’t Lie To God When You Pray

Thank you precious ones bold enough to call and stand on the promises of the King!

The Choice Is Yours – 2006

Is your heart bent on serving Jesus regardless of the cost or are you serving your own kingdom?

What Is Your “World View”?

Has your world view been compromised by the wickedness of this age?

Move Beyond, Into Holiness

Listen to the story of Jehu today and make the decision to go all the way through with Jesus.

Highway to the Heart of God – 2006

Do you know about the highway to the heart of God???