Oldest to Newest Messages

The Message That Will Bring A Last Day Revival

Do you know what the last day revival message is and have you decided to embrace it come what may?

Mighty Revelations in a Straw Stack – 2012

Our dear brother Bevington walks us through our great need to humble ourselves and obey Jesus.

Prepare to Meet Your God

On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray paints a picture of what the coming Revival will look…

How Than Shall I Pray?

Today’s message focuses on what Jesus is asking from us (i.e. the Church) in light of the wickedness in the

Our Father Who Art in Heaven

Today’s broadcast was our regular Friday prayer meeting.

The Reward of Consecration – 2004

Do you know what the reward of consecration is?

My Great Agony of Soul

What is the great agony of your soul?

The Desperate Need For Deep Conviction

Todays message will prove to very beneficial to you if your heart is intent upon having this baptism of the

The Coming of the Son of Man

May we be prepared for the coming of our Lord by a full submission and a heart to serve Him

There Is Great Sin Among Us

Are you concerned for the direction of America and will you cry out to Jesus for the church to come

Please Jesus, Answer My Prayer!

Are you willing to be absolutely honest with Jesus and willing to do whatever He tells you to do?

Everybody Hurts Sometimes

Are you willing to confess your sin and renounce it and give your life fully into the hand of Jesus?

Christ’s Claims

Today’s message is a warning to those who may be under the law and not know it.

Desires Without Obedience

We must all endure our own personal Gethsemane and allow Jesus to utterly transform us.

That I May Know Him, Please Pray

Another prayer meeting, thank you dear one for calling in to pray!

A Thorough Spiritual Overhaul

Jesus wants to give us a thorough spiritual overhaul, if you’ll simply let Him do it. Will you trust Him

Oh Jesus, Where Are You?

We had an unexpected prayer meeting today called by the Holy Spirit.

Do You Identify With The Old Nature Or New?

Where is your identity? Is it in the old nature or the new nature? Listen and be set free today!

God is Angry With America

Why is God angry with America, in particular those who identify as Christians.

Your Will Be Done, Please Pray

Lots of precious saints called in today to cry out to Jesus, thank you!

My Greatest Sin

Pastor Ray describes the greatest sin (and most subtle sin) of most believers.