Message Archives

We Must Have An American Renaissance

Today’s message is a call for an American Renaissance and Pastor Ray lays out our great need. What will you

The Path To Real Adventure

Jesus is taking us to a place of real adventure, where He alone is the initiator. Listen closely to the

A Covenant with Life (2004)

Have you entered into a covenant with life or have you entered into a covenant with death? Jesus is breaking

Come Out And Be Separate

Have you heard the call of the Holy Spirit to come out and be separate? Listen as Pastor Ray walks

What Is Your Destiny

Pastor Ray lays out this battle between the kingdom of light and kingdom of darkness. What is your destiny dear

The Powerful Blood Of Jesus

Listen to the parallel of this horrific story from the book of Judges and the condition of the American church.

New Beginning of Obedience to God

Ready for a new beginning of obedience to Jesus? Find out what that will require of you as you listen

God’s Name God’s Kingdom God’s Will – 2013

In the end, it’s all about God and what He wants from you and from me. Will you fully yield

Prepare Now For Service – 2016

Hear the call of Jesus to serve others and to call them to follow Jesus.

In Christ Alone

It is through Christ alone that we are saved, but there’s a lot of error being taught with the finished

A Christmas Gift From Jesus

Today’s message is a testimony of God’s grace and mercy and deliverance. Jesus wants to deliver you!

Be Wise and Surrender to Jesus

Here the call of the Gospel today on Pilgrim’s Progress.

God’s Humility

We oftentimes forget the incredible humility of God. May you and I bow down before Him, not just at Christmas.

Eli’s Modern Church

Have you come out of the Eli church or are you trying to have Jesus and the world at the

Two Sins That Are Destroying The Church

Find out the two sins destroying the Church and perhaps your own walk with Jesus. Have these sins frozen your

Are You Ready To Tell The Truth

Even if we desire to go deeper with Jesus, that hungering will go unmet unless we’re totally honest with Jesus.


In this simple message, Pastor Ray calls us through the scripture to endurance come what may to serve and give

Leave Her Alone

Have you been like Mary Magdalene, who poured out her life for Jesus or like Judas who was only seeking

Have Life To The Full

Find out how to have life to the full as you listen to today’s broadcast.

Eating Like A King

Have you decided that you want Jesus and nothing else? Listen closely to this message from John Chapter 6.

Don’t Miss God’s Sign Post

This is a critical teaching today on God’s sign posts that He provides to us. Don’t miss God’s sign post,