Message Archives

Blind to Reality

Are you willing to open your eyes?

I Can’t Even Walk Without You

Do you see your great need or are you full of arrogance and pride?

If Ever There Was a Time to Pray

Pastor Ray clarified a couple of questions about some recent messages during the first part of the broadcast and we

Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy

Has satan deceived you?

Let Go of Your Resistance to Joy

Do you have a joyful life in Jesus?

The Great White Throne Judgment

Has Jesus destroyed the works of the devil in your life?

Pour Out Your Heart to Jesus

Thank you for those precious brothers and sisters who called in today at the request of the Holy Spirit to

A Love That Will Not Fail

Pastor Ray recounts a recent trip to Florida to perform some baptisms and help organize a church in South Florida.

Wait For The Lord!

Are you willing to wait upon the Lord?

I Am Sick Of Humanism In The Church

What is humanism in the church?

The Bride Of Jesus Revived

Will you be revived or swept away?

Pray In The Spirit

There’s only one way to pray and that it is to pray in spirit. Will you join us in crying

Seek Jesus With All Of Your Heart!

This is life changing decision either way you go but you must choose.

So You Want A Meeting With God?

Pastor Ray poses this very serious question and then uses the story of a famous king to answer the question.

The Great And Terrible Day Of The Lord

That great and terrible day of the Lord is upon us.

are you ready? Are You Ready? ARE YOU READY???

Are you ready dear one for coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Nothing to Prove, Prayer Time

We must come to a place where we have nothing to prove but the desire of our hearts is to

Sitting In The Ashes of My Life

Are you sitting in the ashes of your life?

Sudden Destruction

The primary focus is whether you have been crucified with Christ?

No Culture of Sin Called Grace

What does the word locative mean?

One Last Chance To Escape

Will you be crucified with Christ?