Message Archives

Do You Want to Walk in the Presence of God?

Are you willing to cry out for God’s presence in your life, realizing that it will cost you everything?

Healing the Soul (January 6, 2008)

Listen to the story of Cain and make the decision that you will be healed by the Master, regardless of

Will You Let the Light of Jesus Shine in Your Life?

We urge you to be totally transformed by the light of Jesus, aren’t you tired of starting over again and

The Touch of the Master’s Hand

Do you need the touch of the Master’s hands today?

Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?

All of us must ascend this hill and walk blameless before the Lord, are you willing to let Jesus do

Shaped for a Noble Purpose

It is an absolute necessity to carefully examine our character flaws (which hide our sins, such things as pride, self

Repentance, with Richard Owen Roberts (October 2002)

This dear brother has written the best book I’ve ever read on repentance.

Revival, with Richard Owen Roberts (2002)

“My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come

Keep at It! (September 24, 2006)

Ah, my brother, my sister, I want to encourage you to lay down your normalcy bias and simply keep at

What Must I Do to Be Saved? (Encore but different than other message with same name)

When you can no longer afford your sin, you will leave it.

Burn Your Ships!

Have you gone through a “burning of the ships” in your life? Don’t spread the pain out, just ask Jesus

We Do Not Know What to Do, but Our Eyes Are on You (January 09, 2005)

We must allow the Holy Spirit to go totally to the bottom of our sin or our fate will not

No More False Comfort, Judgment Is Upon Us

In this broadcast, Pastor Ray provides empirical evidence that God’s judgment is upon us and yet there’s still a widespread

The Normalcy Bias Must End in the Body of Christ in America

We see in Europe today the consequences of turning from God. This is also coming to America if we do

Wake Up, America! Judgment Is at the Door

What are the consequences of turning from our Creator? Find out today as Pastor Ray takes a closer look.

It Is for Freedom, that Christ Set Us Free

The love of God is freedom, not bondage, as we serve our spouses, our workmates and those around us. The

The Kindness and Sternness of God (May 2009)

In this sermon, Pastor Ray lays out both the kindness and sternness of God from the scriptures, which is so

Finally… Crucified with Christ (October 25, 2015)

We cannot withhold ourselves from Jesus and expect Him to save us. – Brother Ed

The Last Fortress (October 12, 2008)

Jesus wants and desires that you come into full victory over sin by His precious blood, will you not run

The Amazing Grace of Jesus Christ (October 14, 2015)

Sometimes the very worst can become the very best. Listen to this inspiring story of repentance, forgiveness, redemption and our

Have You Given Everything into the Hand of Jesus?

Will you allow the Holy Spirit and the sweetness of Jesus to draw your heart out of all uncleanness, all