Message Archives

Nothing to Prove, Prayer Time

We must come to a place where we have nothing to prove but the desire of our hearts is to

Sitting In The Ashes of My Life

Are you sitting in the ashes of your life?

Sudden Destruction

The primary focus is whether you have been crucified with Christ?

No Culture of Sin Called Grace

What does the word locative mean?

One Last Chance To Escape

Will you be crucified with Christ?

A Call to Pray

We had another live call-in prayer meeting!

The Ugliness

We all have sinned but we must decide if we will accept the way out of it or wallow in

wake up. Wake Up! WAKE UP!!!

Jesus purpose must become our purpose in that He came to destroy the works of the devil. Are you willing

3 Reasons Jesus Closed The American Church

A message to listen and pray over…

The Kindness and Sternness of God – 2008

The title says it all…

God’s End Time People – 2008

A warning message, heed it carefully…

A Message For The True Of Heart

Don’t avoid the cross…

Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen

Will you be one of the called ones?

You Must Repent Now!

Is there a need of repentance in your life right now?

A Biting, Binding, Horrible Thing

How would you describe sin?

Come Out Of Her My People And Pray

Pray dear ones!

Unearth The Seed Of Destruction

Pride goeth before destruction.

Deliverance Only From The Hand Of God

Are you a soldier of the cross?

Oh God, Give Us A Backbone!

Do you have a backbone for Jesus and the things of God?

America Is Hanging In The Balance

Powerful message today that you need to hear.

If My People Will Pray

More prayer