Message Archives

Besieged by God (2004)

What is God’s purpose of besieging our lives?

The Lord Will Provide! (2004)

We must do as Abraham did and lay those things most precious to our hearts on the altar of God

God’s Purpose in Our Suffering and Hardship

Pastor Ray’s focus is on God’s purpose in suffering and hardship in our lives. These things are the handlebars that

A Call to the Half-Converted

Listen to the message and determine if you are indeed half-converted and make the decision to give yourself fully into

This World Is Not My Home

Have you made this transition to the agenda of Jesus or have you attempted to add Jesus into “your life?”

How Far Have You Come by Faith?

On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray asks the question how far have you come by faith? Is it a real journey

Understanding Why God Parts the Red Sea

Today Sister Kathryn talks about the purpose of God in parting the Red Seas in our lives, which happens in

The Footsteps of God

God’s purpose is to destroy the works of the devil, do you see the footsteps of God in your life?

Will You Enter the Ark?

There are so many parallels between Noah and this age in which we live, the question is whether you will

Well Pleasing to God!

Listen to the story of Enoch and how he made that choice to be well pleasing to Jesus and make

A Gift from God (That Keeps God Talking!)

Listen closely to understand the difference between the offering made by Abel and Cain and determine in your heart to

The Rhema of God

In today’s sermon, Pastor Ray clearly articulates two critically important Greek words, which are logos and rhema. It’s important to

God’s Pleasure in Our Faith

A welcome from Sister Michelle from Hebrews Chapter 11.

A Mind That Understands! (2004)

We can easily get off track in our walk with Jesus when we focus either on the past or the

Jesus Is the Foundation of Life (Encore)

Is Jesus the foundation of your life or do you have some other foundation? 

July 2016 Offertory and Revival Message

We’ve left this message because it is a call to revival and to give. The two go hand in hand.

Continuation of Hebrews Study

We must make the same decision as Abel did to fully surrender his life and all that he had to

The Journey of Faith

Pastor Ray unveils an explanation of faith and a word by word definition of each word in the Greek from

How Much Longer, Lord?

A welcome from the book of Isaiah from our dear sister Michelle.

Vanity Fair (2009)

Have you determined to journey through Vanity Fair, with your eyes upon Jesus?

Is It Too Hard to Follow Jesus? (2011)

You must make a decision to be crucified with Christ and it only becomes hard to follow Jesus when we’re