Message Archives

The Birth Of Jesus

Listen to today’s unique story about the true church of Jesus, the body of Christ in this season where we

Be Transformed

Jesus wants to fully effectuate His love in us and through us to others, let today’s message be a guide

The Blowing Of A Violent Wind

Can you imagine what the blowing of the Holy Spirit looks like when it hits a congregation or a nation?

The Compassion of Jesus (2004 Sermon)

It’s so easy to think that everything and everyone is against us, will you let the compassion of Jesus melt

A Very Real Prayer Crisis

Today’s message is a call to real, serious prayer, which will necessitate repentance, brokenness and the like but in the

The Rebuke Of Jesus For Being Dead

Are you willing to hear the rebuke of Jesus to call you out of your lukewarmness and into His presence?

Is The Name Of Jesus Dead

Is the name of Jesus dead in your life, as you cry out for others are they healed or do

When God Breaks Through

Find out what happens when God breaks through in our life or in someone we’re interceding for to rescue them

Esau or Jacob?

Are you an Esau or a Jacob? Listen to this powerful message as Pastor Ray makes this plain to your

How Are We Saved? (2013 Encore Broadcast)

Pastor Ray walks us through much of the book of Jude today to uncover the lie of imputed righteousness. Have

The Atmosphere Of Heaven

Have you entered into the atmosphere of heaven? Listen to Pastor Ray lay out how we can do that today.

You Will Receive Power

Pastor Ray walks us through the waiting for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. Will you

The Spirit Of Truth

Hear the call of the Spirit to be given totally into the hands of the Holy Spirit, who is calling

Rebekah’s Call is Our Call (2013 Encore Broadcast)

Hear the call of the Holy Spirit to follow Jesus in the midst of this story of Isaac and his


The focal point of today’s broadcast is our great need of prayer, do you need the fire of God in

An Entirely New Person In Jesus

Are you a new creature in Christ Jesus? If not, the Holy Spirit is calling to give yourself completely into

The Joy Of Communion With Jesus

Are you willing to join Pastor Ray and the National Prayer Chapel and enter into deep communion with Jesus? That

Making A Treaty With Darkness

Have you unknowingly made a treaty with darkness? Find out more as you listen to today’s Pilgrim’s Progress.

Abraham Was Made Righteous – 2013 Broadcast

Have you been made righteous by Jesus, in reality not wishful thinking? Find out how that process operates by taking

Real Prayer

Most of us in this modern age we know nothing of what “real prayer” is. Does Jesus answer your prayers?

The Sin God Will Not Forgive

This is a call to humble our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to show us any grumbling, complaining, pride