What It Means to Pray Through – B.H. Clendennen (1975)What It Means to Pray Through – B.H. Clendennen (1975)One of the best sermons on the topic of “praying through” Believe the LORD!Believe the LORD!Belief in the Lord is not intellectual assent… Submit to GodSubmit to GodWhat does submission to God entail? My SinMy SinWe must have a revelation from God that it was our sin that nailed Jesus to the cross. Friendship with JesusFriendship with JesusIf we’re friends with Jesus, His friends will begin to become ours… Like JesusLike JesusWhat is holiness? Everything Is Not About YouEverything Is Not About YouIt’s true everything is NOT about you (or me for that matter)! Christ In YouChrist In YouToday’s focus from the book of Colossians is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Peace through His BloodPeace through His BloodIs your heart full of the peace of God? Knowledge Puffs UpKnowledge Puffs UpAre you a blowfish full of knowledge or full of the love of God, toward God and man. Breaking the Power of JezebelBreaking the Power of JezebelHave you rejected the Jezebel spirit that has polluted much of the church with her worldly ways? Peter Denies JesusPeter Denies JesusHave you blatantly denied Jesus as Peter did? If so, this is a must listen. GethsemaneGethsemaneHave you been crushed by Jesus? Jesus Anointed in BethanyJesus Anointed in BethanyIs there a root of unbelief that Jesus wants to purge in your heart? Jesus WeptJesus WeptThe amazing resurrection of Lazarus… The Dangers of Cave Life – 2004The Dangers of Cave Life – 2004Watch out for the dangers of cave life! The End of the AgeThe End of the AgeThe End of the age is upon us… Have Faith in GodHave Faith in GodHas God cast down the mountains in your life of unbelief and doubt??? If not, found out why. Blind Bartimaeus Prayed in FaithBlind Bartimaeus Prayed in FaithWill you pray in faith for national revival that will rescue America from God’s judgment? Do You Want to Be a Servant?Do You Want to Be a Servant?Are you a servant of Jesus and is that reflected in your attitude toward others? Follow JesusFollow JesusAre you actually following Jesus or is that something you think you’re doing? « Previous 1 … 72 73 74 75 76 … 110 Next »