God Hears Our CryGod Hears Our CryTo paraphrase John Wesley, an incorrect theological understanding will lead one to error. You Shall Receive PowerYou Shall Receive PowerIt’s a history of the Pentecostal movement, beginning with Azusa Street. Baptism in Spirit and FireBaptism in Spirit and FirePastor Ray continues with the theme of “Two Baptisms” focusing upon the need for both holiness and power. Produce Fruit in Keeping with RepentanceProduce Fruit in Keeping with RepentanceAre you producing in keeping with repentance? The Coming of John the BaptizerThe Coming of John the BaptizerWill you allow God to turn the x-ray machine on, to expose your motives or will you play hide andContinue reading The Coming of John the Baptizer Jesus Is My LifeJesus Is My LifeA call to give and support the radio ministry… Winston Churchill and God’s Divine Plan – 2015Winston Churchill and God’s Divine Plan – 2015Will you succumb to fatalism or say NO and rise up in faith? A Heart Overflowing With LoveA Heart Overflowing With LoveThe powerful witness of Charles Finney. Born of the SpiritBorn of the SpiritWhat does it mean to be born of the spirit? Solemn Realities of the Holy SpiritSolemn Realities of the Holy SpiritAre you willing to accept the scriptures for what they say, versus your preconceived notions? Jesus, Please Pray For Me!Jesus, Please Pray For Me!We ask that you look closely at the scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate his word, as weContinue reading Jesus, Please Pray For Me! The Word Shall Go Forth – 2015The Word Shall Go Forth – 2015Today’s message is from the founder of Hobby Lobby and the primary impetus behind the Bible Museum in DC. Is It Over (for you or a dear one to you)?Is It Over (for you or a dear one to you)?Say no to fatalism and yes to Jesus. Amazing Grace – 2015Amazing Grace – 2015God’s grace truly is amazing, find out why today… The Full Armour of God – 2009The Full Armour of God – 2009Ready for battle? The Seal of the SpiritThe Seal of the SpiritListen to hear about these two baptisms. Living in JesusLiving in JesusListen closely particularly to Romans 8 for a startling revelation and the two-fold purpose of the baptism of the HolyContinue reading Living in Jesus The Peter PackageThe Peter PackageWhat is the “Peter package” a term coined by teacher David Pawson. Find out today? Don’t Ask God to Help YouDon’t Ask God to Help YouWe continue on the two baptisms and ask you listen to understand the title of the message. How to Bind the Strong Man – 2005How to Bind the Strong Man – 2005Has the strong man been bound in your life or do you even know if that’s happened or not? Real ChristianityReal ChristianityPastor Ray looks at what is real Christianity and what does that require of us who want to actually followContinue reading Real Christianity « Previous 1 … 66 67 68 69 70 … 110 Next »