The Choice Is Yours – 2006Is your heart bent on serving Jesus regardless of the cost or are you serving your own kingdom?Pastor RayMay 31, 2021Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Choice Is Yours – 2006
Don’t Lie To God When You PrayThank you precious ones bold enough to call and stand on the promises of the King!Pastor RayMay 28, 2021PrayerRead MoreDon’t Lie To God When You Pray
I Am A Poor Wayfaring StrangerAre you a poor wayfaring stranger or is this world your home?Pastor RayMay 27, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreI Am A Poor Wayfaring Stranger
How To Save Your SoulWhere is the focus of your life (that's where your kingdom is)...Pastor RayMay 26, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreHow To Save Your Soul
Have You Lost A Part Of Your Soul?What's the Biblical basis for this "soul loss"? Find out today!Pastor RayMay 25, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreHave You Lost A Part Of Your Soul?
Soul LossDo you know what "soul loss" is and its remedy?Pastor RayMay 24, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreSoul Loss
A Spirit Of PrayerDo you have the Spirit of prayer for this nation and for the church??Pastor RayMay 21, 2021PrayerRead MoreA Spirit Of Prayer
The Wedding Of The LambAre you passionately awaiting the return of Jesus?Pastor RayMay 20, 2021ProphecyRead MoreThe Wedding Of The Lamb
A Pentecost Kinsman RedeemerFind out today why Ruth was not bitter...Pastor RayMay 19, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreA Pentecost Kinsman Redeemer
A Pentecost Love StoryAre you a Ruth or a Naomi? There is redemption for both, if we meet the conditions.Pastor RayMay 18, 2021TestimoniesRead MoreA Pentecost Love Story
Healing of Our HeartsBitter or better???Pastor RayMay 17, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreHealing of Our Hearts
It Is Time To PrayPray dear brother, dear sister, we need Jesus to intervene on our behalf.Pastor RayMay 14, 2021PrayerRead MoreIt Is Time To Pray