The Promise That Comes by Faith – 2011Have you received that precious promise of righteousness or innocence in your life?Pastor RayMay 31, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreThe Promise That Comes by Faith – 2011
Freedom is NOT Free!Powerful message about the coming of the Holy Spirit!Pastor RayMay 27, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreFreedom is NOT Free!
Comfortable in Sodom? (2009)Are you comfortable in Sodom, even though vexed in spirit as Peter said about Lot?Pastor RayMay 24, 2019LiesRead MoreComfortable in Sodom? (2009)
Heaven Came Down!Have you come to an end of yourself?Pastor RayMay 23, 2019TestimoniesRead MoreHeaven Came Down!
Why Have Our Prayers Gone Unanswered?What does real faith look like?Pastor RayMay 21, 2019PrayerRead MoreWhy Have Our Prayers Gone Unanswered?
Get Close to GodIs this the cry of your heart?Pastor RayMay 20, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreGet Close to God
Broken to His Will?Has your wolf nature been broken by Jesus?Pastor RayMay 17, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreBroken to His Will?
Romans Eight (Part 2) – Leading Us Into Suffering and PersecutionEntire sanctification has been misunderstood and intellectualized in the modern church.Pastor RayMay 16, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreRomans Eight (Part 2) – Leading Us Into Suffering and Persecution
Romans Eight – The Gateway to VictoryHave you entered into this place of victory with Jesus?Pastor RayMay 15, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreRomans Eight – The Gateway to Victory
Living Above Sin?Has you entered into this victory over sin by the power of the blood of Jesus?Pastor RayMay 14, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreLiving Above Sin?