Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

The Death to the Sentimental Christmas


A God of Action


Are You Saved?


How Do I Become a Christian?


The Lie of Positional Righteousness


Do You Really Care about Jesus?


The Righteous Will Live by Faith


The Emperor (Church) Has No Clothes


The Battle against Apollyon


Why Is the Modern American Church so Dead?


The War Has Already Begun


Entering into the Kingdom of God


One Sermon of Jesus


Are You Trying to Save Your Life?


God’s Call into the Desert


Is God Distant from You?


The Way Up Is the Way Down


The Number One Issue Facing America (October 23, 2014)


The Vital Elements of the Christian Faith (October 22, 2014)


The Courage (to Trust Jesus)


Meeting the Conditions for Effective Prayer


The Heart of Jesus


The Fallacy of the Sinning Christian


The Truth about Jesus


Two Gospels, or Victory in Jesus?


No Longer at Enmity with God


One Gospel


Are You Half-Converted?


The Love of God


The Core of All Sin


Buried Hatred towards God


The One True Gospel


The Wages of Anger


The Infinite Madness and Blasphemy of Excuses for Sin (Encore)


Tender Ties with Thee
